7 Best Online Therapy Services 2022

Though many think of online therapy as a solution to severe problems, it’s so much more. Counseling helps individuals manage stress and handle everything life throws at them with resilience. In the past, people were limited to therapists in their immediate region. The internet has changed that. No matter where someone is—and no matter how specific their needs are—online therapists are available to help.

Read on to learn more about how online therapy works and which platforms patients love the most.

online therapy from home


How Online Therapy Works

In-person counseling usually involves looking up therapists who take your insurance, researching them online, and then finding out if they’re open to new patients. Finding an online therapist is more complicated in some ways and simpler in others.

Most platforms start you off with a questionnaire to determine which therapists might be right for you. Some let you pick your own, but others choose your therapist. Don’t worry, though: If you don’t like the one they assign, you can ask for someone different.

Communication options are what make online counseling most different from in-person options.

Video therapy is the most popular, though audio, text, and messaging therapy are also available on some sites. Research suggests that video is the most effective medium for online therapeutic work.

How To Pick a Platform

There are several ways to determine which platform might be right for you. These are the top considerations to keep in mind:

  • Cost—Online therapy is often more affordable than in-person options. However, some platforms are more expensive than others. If you plan to pay cash, price comparison is important.
  • Insurance—Only some platforms take insurance. Among the ones that do, they might not accept your particular plan.
  • Therapist qualifications—Each platform has different standards for its therapists. Some require numerous years of experience, while others have lower qualification standards.
  • Treatment modalities—Many people seek a specific treatment modality. If you want something like CBT, DBT, Family Systems, EMDR, or any other modality, check beforehand that at least some of a platform’s available therapists specialize in it.
  • Communication channel—Some platforms offer communication options ranging from video to text. Others only offer one or two types.
  • Medication—If you need help with psychiatric medication, be careful to choose a platform with medication management services.

    Pros and Cons of the most famous Platforms


    Here you get a selection of possible Therapy Platforms. Each very special in its orientation:

    1. BetterHelp

    BetterHelp is one of the most popular online therapy sites. You can request video, phone, and text as communication methods.


    • High user satisfaction rates
    • Financial aid available
    • Convenient monthly plans
    • Treats teens


    • Doesn’t accept insurance
    • No free trial
    • Chooses therapist for you

    This platform charges $60 to $90 per week.

    2. TalkSpace

    Like BetterHelp, TalkSpace is an excellent all-around option offering video, phone, and text counseling.


    • Accepts some insurance plans
    • Unlimited counseling plans
    • Medication management


    • No financial aid
    • Doesn’t serve teens
    • Exact prices only shared after signing up

    3. Wellnite

    With plans that cost as little as $150 per month, Wellnite is a bargain. Customer ratings prove that the reasonable prices come with great quality. You can communicate with a therapist through messaging, phone, or video.


    • Inexpensive
    • Psychiatric care from real medical doctors
    • Same-day appointments
    • Sees teens


    • Accepts few insurance plans

    Depending on the plan, prices range from $150 to $350 each month.

    4. Teen Counseling

    Many platforms exclude teens, but this one specializes in them. Communication options include messaging, chat, phone, and video.


    • Accepts only teens as patients
    • Messaging available at all times


    • Doesn’t accept insurance

    Costs are $60 to $90 per week.

    5. Online-Therapy

    Online-Therapy.com is the perfect option for patients seeking CBT, one of the most effective treatments for anxiety and depression. Audio, messaging, and video counseling are available.


    • All therapists specialize in CBT
    • Self-care resources provided
    • Discount for the first month


    • No insurance accepted
    • Least expensive plan includes only text counseling

    You should expect to pay $160 to $320 per month.

    6. ReGain

    People seeking couples counseling should strongly consider ReGain—it only treats couples. Communication types include audio, video, chat, and messaging.


    • Highest patient satisfaction rate for couples counseling


    • Chooses therapist for you
    • No insurance accepted

    If you and your sweetheart pick this platform, you’ll pay $240 to $360 each month.

    7. Pride Counseling

    The LGBTQ+ population loves this platform that’s meant just for them. Messaging, audio, and video are all available.


    • Unlimited messaging
    • Requires all therapists to have a Masters or Ph.D


    • Chooses therapist for you
    • No insurance accepted

    Plan prices range from $240 to $480 per month.

    Insurance for online counseling


    As you’ve seen above, insurance acceptance is hit-or-miss regarding online counseling. BetterHelp accepts a wide range of insurance but still leaves out a lot of plans.

    On the bright side, some sites—like Pride Counseling—offer reimbursement receipts that you can submit to your insurance. Others provide sliding scales or first-month discounts. If you’re unsure how to scrounge up the money, contact a platform’s customer service department to see if there are any options you couldn’t find on the website.

    Once You’ve Chosen a Platform


    • Compatibility—It’s a good idea to test a platform (and the therapist you find there) before making a final decision. Remind yourself that going elsewhere is okay if things don’t work out the first time around.
    • Schedule—Before picking a therapist, make sure their schedule accommodates yours.
    • Expectations—Consider what you expect of your therapist, and communicate those expectations before getting started.

    Last but not least, remember to put your all into online therapy. Counseling is only effective when patients are willing to do the work.