5 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

The loss of hair, called alopecia, is a common occurrence. There are different potential causes of losing hair, including pregnancy, hormones, excessive stress, and genetics. Although genetics and natural aging control most instances, there are efforts that can be taken to help prevent hair loss and even trigger new growth.

how to prevent hair loss
istockphoto.com :: Manuel-F-O

Address Nutritional Deficiencies

The loss of hair can be due to certain nutritional deficiencies. Low levels of iron, vitamins B and D, and potassium can lead to changes in hair texture, fullness, and even cause hair to fall out. A lack of protein in the diet can also be a contributor. To combat these issues, increase your protein intake and take a comprehensive multivitamin.

Avoid Excessive Stress

Stress, even in small amounts, can cause turmoil all over your body. Your hair can also suffer. Excessive stress levels are known to directly affect hormone productions and immune system responses, which in turn affect your hair. Loss occurs when these hormones and responses directly prevent hair regrowth while also causing current hair growth to cease – leading to an inactive hair follicle.

Make Dietary Changes

In addition to taking a multivitamin, it may be necessary for you to change what you eat. You likely already know that a balance of the food groups creates a well-designed dietary structure, but to combat the loss of hair, you may find it beneficial to increase eating foods rich in zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. Consider increasing your intake of foods such as fish, nuts, spinach, and poultry.

Changes in Scalp Care

A healthy scalp leads to healthy hair. Your hair care focus should be on ensuring you are taking proper care of your scalp first. Daily washing with gentle hair products helps ensure you have a clean scalp. Deep conditioning, on a monthly basis, helps revitalize and moisturize your scalp and hair. For deep conditioning, try using warm coconut or olive oil combined with scalp massage. The oils provide the deep conditioning while the scalp massage helps stimulate hair growth.

Avoid Excessive Styling

Excessive heat styling and hair styling products can cause damage to the scalp and hair that can lead to loss. Avoid tight styles such as braids, buns, and ponytails. These styles pull on roots and lead to loss. Additionally, avoid excessive blow drying with heat. If you need to dry your hair quickly, use a low-heat or air-only setting. Allow your hair to air dry as often as possible. It is also a good idea to avoid chemical processing, such as coloring and perms, that use peroxide or ammonia as ingredients.

Although genetics and age play a large role in hair loss, there are ways to combat it. Some of the most simplest efforts can have the biggest impact. In many instances, such as stress-induced loss or dietary deficiencies, loss is temporary and new growth will continue when issues are resolved. In other cases, it may be necessary to take additional steps, such as seeking medication treatments.